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California’s 14 Cultural Districts

California’s 14 Cultural Districts


考虑到金州丰富的蓬勃发展的艺术社区和文化多样化的社区, 加州艺术委员会(California Arts Council) 2017年在全州范围内举办的活动有很多可能性 Cultural Districts designations. The program, 哪个地区以独特的艺术身份来庆祝, 奖励14个致力于文化和艺术的社区.

bbin游戏官网这个计划的目标是支持一组符合高而广泛的一致性标准的地区, vision, 而目的——当计划发展和成长时,可以为地区树立榜样,” says Donn K. Harris, California Arts Council Chair.

From north to south, here are the designated California Cultural Districts.

1. Eureka Cultural Arts District, Eureka

On California’s North Coast, 红杉环绕着这个充满活力的艺术区,这里的公共艺术, local breweries, and chocolate makers converge. Every month, the downtown area hosts First Saturday Night Arts Alive!, which features more than 75 art-focused sites and businesses; other seasonal events include the Redwood Coast Music Festival, Taste of Main Street, summer concerts and more. Outside of this artsy town, surrounding Humboldt County 到处都是远足小径、森林、海滩和古色古香的渔村.

2. Redding Cultural District, Redding

The stunning Sundial Bridge sets the tone for Redding’s Cultural District, 它融合了自然环境(小径), rivers, 森林)与艺术活动,如微酿造和戏剧. Explore the historic downtown 找到了近70个公共艺术场所——比如市政厅外的旋转雕塑展——以及50多家餐馆和酒吧, 或者找到本地到国际水平的人才 Cascade Theatre and Redding Civic Auditorium.

3. Grass Valley-Nevada City Cultural District, Grass Valley/Nevada City

This pair of Gold Country cities, both in Nevada County, 上世纪60年代,香港经历了一场文化大革命,许多“垮掉的一代”的作家和音乐家在这里定居, 艺术居民的收藏依然强大. In Nevada City, the Nevada Theatre它是加州最古老的剧院,每年举办100多场与艺术有关的活动, not to mention the area’s annual festivals, street fairs, and art walks.

4. Truckee Cultural District, Truckee

Thanks to such attractions as the Old Jail Museum and the Truckee Railroad Museum, this charming mountain town near Lake Tahoe 它已经拥有了一个历史街区的称号,现在也可以申请文化区的称号了. 游客会发现一个繁荣的艺术社区,在它的艺术画廊和展览空间明显. 最近增加了一个3000平方英尺的“创客空间” Truckee Roundhouse,社区居民和游客可以在这里学习各种艺术技巧.

5. Downtown San Rafael Arts District, San Rafael

Check out the events 你就会明白为什么它上榜了:艺术漫步和节日(比如广受好评的艺术节) Mill Valley Film Festival) and institutions such as the 11-acre Falkirk Cultural Center and the Arts Works Downtown, an arts center with four galleries, 这里有二十多个艺术家工作室,甚至还有艺术家住宅, have made downtown San Rafael 一个充满活力的艺术社区的文化中心.

6. 腐烂的城市-埃默里维尔文化艺术区, Emeryville

尖端的艺术形式,如动画和数字地图构图都有所帮助 Emeryville 发展自己独特的文化特色和艺术殖民地. Partners such as Pixar Animation Studios and Bullseye Glass 继续在旧金山湾区东岸发展和孕育艺术.

7. The Calle 24 Latino Cultural District, San Francisco

这个充满活力的社区位于旧金山的中心 Mission District 自20世纪40年代以来一直在庆祝拉丁文化、艺术和激进主义. 如今,24街拥有意大利最大的壁画收藏 San Francisco这里不乏活动和特色业务来保持这种文化的活力.

8. SOMA Pilipinas,菲律宾文化遗产区, San Francisco

This South of Market neighborhood in San Francisco 是数千个菲律宾家庭的家园,有许多菲律宾裔美国人的企业(比如 Arkipelago bookstore and Bindlestiff Studio). 看看这里精彩的文化活动,比如 Pistahan Parade and Festival这些活动展示了该地区的表演者、烹饪艺术和支持性企业.

9. The BLVD Cultural District, Lancaster 

Since the late 1800s, 这条大道一直是羚羊谷文化活动的中心, with concerts, farmers' markets, 节日节日占据了街头 Lancaster. This High Desert district, east of Los Angeles是许多历史遗迹的所在地,包括 Aerospace Walk of Honor and the Western Hotel Museum它还关注环境倡议.

10. Little Tokyo, Los Angeles

Museums, anime shops, poetry venues, 和历史地标都为小东京增添了不拘一格的氛围, a special pocket of Downtown Los Angeles传统和当代艺术作品都在这里安家. Take a Little Tokyo walking tour to explore the Frank Gehry–designed Geffen Contemporary at MOCA, sample the signature ramen at Men Oh Tokushima Ramen,一边喝着鸡尾酒,一边看滑稽表演 The Edison.

11. 圣佩德罗海滨艺术、文化和娱乐区, San Pedro

洛杉矶半岛小镇有一种小镇的感觉 San Pedro, where the historic downtown has been hosting artist studios since 1944. You can see the artistic influence at Crafted, 一个永久的周末市场,有手工服装和家居装饰, 在非传统的艺术开放和课堂空间, and at the First Thursday ArtWalk.

12. Oceanside Cultural District, San Diego

Because of its proximity to Camp Pendleton, Oceanside 历史上被称为军事重镇吗. 但现在不是了:这个位于圣地亚哥的沿海城市 North County 以美味的食物、高品质的精酿啤酒和新兴的艺术场景闻名于世. The California Surf Museum pays tribute to the local surf culture; historic venues like The Star Theatre and The Brooks Theatre bring the performing arts to the community; and annual cultural events feature local artists.

13. Balboa Park Cultural District, San Diego

占地1200英亩,拥有17个 museums,标志性建筑,和多个表演场地,巴尔博亚公园是真正的 San Diego’s cultural center. 除了丰富的历史,公园还提供65英里的徒步小径, beautiful gardens, and a world-renowned zoo you may have heard of.

14. Barrio Logan Cultural District, San Diego

由艺术家、社区领袖和居民组成的基层联盟一直保持着这一点 San Diego 真正的墨西哥裔美国人文化. Check out Chicano Park, 这里有79幅历史壁画,为阿兹特克人的舞蹈和击鼓团体等文化活动创造了丰富多彩的背景. 该地区还设有画廊、咖啡厅和啤酒厂,展示当地的艺术.

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