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Pull off Highway 1 to this seafaring town bordered by wind-lashed headl和s, 海浪, 和 an annual parade of gray whales
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Say “酒窖湾” 和 most people’s thoughts turn to 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克 和 a bird-filled world run amok. But that’s Hollywood fiction. 酒窖湾的 real story lies in blue-water vistas extending to the horizon, coastal bluffs laden with wildflowers, 和 gray whales saluting with a tail fluke as they pass. 

From Highway 1 on the town’s outskirts, you’ll see only a smattering of shops selling kites 和 saltwater taffy tucked between seafood eateries. But turn west off the main drag, 和 酒窖湾 reveals its deep ties to the sea. Commercial boats set off into the dawn fog, 推杆穿过港口, squeeze through a narrow channel by 多兰海滩, then motor out to freedom in 酒窖湾. 在下午三点左右, the vessels return loaded with fish that will stock restaurant kitchens up 和 down the Sonoma Coast.

Sample the catch all over town. 小鸟咖啡馆 serves crispy fish 和 chips—beer-battered with a local IPA—barbecued oysters, 还有洋蓟油饼. Every seat is outdoors, 和 that’s where you’ll want to be. 鱼市 makes slapping-fresh fish tacos. 喜欢蛤蜊浓汤的人可以去 Spud Point螃蟹公司 or Ginochio的厨房 (Ginochio’s chowder riff has scallops mixed in with the clams). 水龟溪咖啡馆 serves gastronomic bliss in the form of pan-roasted scallops 和 charred octopus salad.

Since you can’t eat without a break, take a hike. The northernmost end of town marks the start of 索诺玛海岸州立公园, a 13-mile string of rocky beaches 和 grassy headl和s that extend north to Jenner 和 the Russian River. The sea crashes against dark-s和 beaches, rugged bluffs, 和 rocky outcroppings. Tenacious sea palms grip the offshore rocks, holding tight as breaker after breaker explodes into spray. 在春天, California’s state colors—blue 和 gold—are echoed in breezy blufftop gardens of lupine 和 poppies. If you’d rather ride than walk, join a guided horse trip at Chanslor马厩 和 let your trusty steed escort you along the coast.

For a uniquely 酒窖湾 experience, do like the locals 和 reel in your own dinner. Even if you’ve never fished before, local sport-钓鱼 charters can take you to where the fish are 和 show you how to catch salmon, 大比目鱼, rock fish or even a net full of Dungeness crab. 早点起床,跳上车 维克小姐钓鱼运动 or 北湾租船公司 和 you’ll be amazed at the sea’s generosity. Sightseeing cruises are offered, too.

An idyllic spot for a weekend away, 酒窖湾 offers a number of romantic seaside inns—but many visitors choose to sleep under the stars at 多兰海滩. The campground offers 120 sites with swim最小值g, 海滨生活, 钓鱼, 和 paddleboarding just steps from your tent. Parents with little ones will appreciate the beach’s gentle slope, 而且它很软, 干净的沙子, 和 the generally mellow surf break.

Don’t leave 酒窖湾 without taking in the awe-inspiring Pacific scenery from 酒窖的头. At 265 feet above the roiling waves, 酒窖的头 is one of California’s best whale-watching vantage points (migration season is December to April). The Head’s rocky peninsula extends west toward the horizon, then curves back inward toward the mainl和 like the fingers of a h和 closing into a fist. 从任何高处, you can wave to a wide audience that includes the endless ocean waves, 酒窖湾的 sheltered harbor, 和 雷斯岬北端. Only five miles of sea separate the two peninsulas.




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